
The Medical Staff Reports, 1899-1936, note that, 'The staff have inquired into the alleged irregular arrangements, as regards the nursing of the hospital, more especially as regards the allocation of probationers...there has been no irregularity, but at the same time we think that there should be greater adaptability and despatch in assigning the extra probationers to parts of the house where there is a stress of work due to an unusual sum of heavy cases, or where special nurses are required for restless and delirious cases', 28 October 1899; it was noted that, 'In view of the shortage of young qualified medical men it was agreed by the staff that qualified women should be admitted as House Surgeons and it was agreed to suggest to the Board of Management that their meetings might take place in the King Edward Hall, the present Board Room being used as a dining and sitting room for Lady Residents', 5 April 1916; consideration was given to 'the question of the attitude which the hospital should take up in view of the National Campaign on Venereal Disease, and has asked Prof. Lindsay, Vice Chairman of the Belfast Branch of the National Council for the Prevention of Venereal Disease, to make a statement to the Board on the subject', 18 April 1917; it was decided that a special department should be established for 'the diagnosis and treatment' of cases of venereal disease, 6 June 1917; a tribute was given to the work of Miss Bostock, Lady Superintendent of the Royal Victoria Hospital and formerly of Throne Convalescent Hospital, 19 April 1922.

AccessBy prior appointment, some restrictions may apply.
Century19th, 20th

Useful publications are R.S.J. Clarke, The Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast: A History, 1797-1997 (Belfast, 1997) and Peggy Donaldson, Yes Matron - A History of Nurses and Nursing at the Royal Victoria Hospital (Belfast, 1988).

Repository NameRoyal Victoria Hospital, Belfast
AddressPublic Record Office of Northern Ireland 2 Titanic Boulevard Titanic Quarter Belfast
UK Postal CodeBT3 9HQ
Telephone+44 28-9053-4800
Repository Web Address
CommentStaff of the Women's History Project constructed an outline list of the material held in this repository. Due to time constraints not all items in this repository were examined individually. The records of the Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast, are now held in PRONI.